Monday, January 15, 2024

More Agile, Less Waterfall…this time.

Much like an “aggressive” schedule to move a new software into production, I also missed my release date several times! I have started and stopped this blog since January 2017 with nothing to show for it acting like a third-party vendor. I would have continued with it but with the lightspeed advancement of technology blogs have become almost irrelevant. Looking back at my “methodology”, I was taking more of a “waterfall” approach rather than adopting Agile/SCRUM. Which, as we know, is a far more efficient method for developing almost anything, when it’s done right. Unlike “SAFE” which is just waterfall in SCRUM clothing. And unless you’re stuck trying to herd a bunch of “legacy employees” who have been doing the same thing for twenty-five years to close just ONE of their tasks in a sprint. Then, well…that’s something for the retrospective.

It is my hope to complete a new entry at least once a “sprint” (short sprints, once a week) and post it here for a review. Now there may be times I may have rollover into the next “sprint.” I will try my best to be as consistent as possible to provide entertaining stories of my experience working in the IT realm and all the absurdities that come with it. Hope to see you at the next review!

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